Story Of Johnnie Walker Part 3
Leo Cheney's "Travel Series": Early 1920s
With the end of the war, through the "travel series", it returned to the concept of Johnnie Walker as a global brand.
DORIS ZINKEISENSEN version of modern color advertising: 1927-1928
Between 1927 and 1928, the walking man welcomed a female designer for the first time-Doris Hinkison, a Scottish stage and costume designer, painter, and business Artists and writers. The men in Zinkeisen's works were slim and wore the iconic red clothes for the first time. He also has a peculiar sense of humor, showing his attention to female clients. It can be said with certainty that the introduction of a female cartoonist represents a turning point for the "walker", not only colorful, but also a new character image.
"Quiz" series: 1928
Next is a series of "quiz" ads. "Walkers" began to look for more diverse images.
Statue of "Walker": 1932
Photos from the 1930s. The "Walker" statue is now in 1932, and has since only appeared as a brand logo.
"Walker" is redefined: 1936-1938
Between 1936 and 1938, the image of the "walker" was redefined. It was no longer just the image of the buyer, but the brand image itself, the whisky missionary who taught the secrets of whisky to consumers.
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