Story Of Johnnie Walker Part 1
Story Of Johnnie Walker Part 1

Johnnie Walker's "Walker" logo may be the most iconic among Scotch whiskies. If you have spent a long night accompanied by this logo and the same iconic bottle, then you must be curious about the past of this logo. Today we will review how Johnnie Walker strode forward through the years.

At the beginning of the last century, George Paterson and Alexander Walker introduced red and black label whiskeys, which were called "Selected Old Highland Whiskey" and "Collection of Selected Old Highland Whiskey". They want something special visually to show the difference of the brand. In the end they got what they wanted through an art competition, and cartoonist Tom Brown came up with a brilliant idea. During a dinner, he painted the original style of this classic logo on the back of a menu.

Brown's Early Advertising: 1908-1910

After that pleasant lunch, Brown continued to create a series of "walkers" ads. His "walker" is a person who loves the outdoors and loves life. In the ad, the striding man happily walks with the courier, plays cricket, or happily fishes.

To be continue.....

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